Thank you for taking the time to apply for staff on PrisonTech.
We are always accepting applications for the server but do make our hiring decisions based on a variety of things (Time Zone, Play Time, Community Opinion, Punishment History, etc). We tend to be more forgiving when it comes to Punishment History within the applications but ask that you take your time to explain why we should be forgiving about your punishment history.
Please follow the template below.
(1) What is your current playtime on the sever? [Found in your /profile or by using your clock.]We are always accepting applications for the server but do make our hiring decisions based on a variety of things (Time Zone, Play Time, Community Opinion, Punishment History, etc). We tend to be more forgiving when it comes to Punishment History within the applications but ask that you take your time to explain why we should be forgiving about your punishment history.
Please follow the template below.
(2) What Time Zone are you located in.
(3) Do you have any punishment history within the server? If you do please explain why/what have you done to correct this issue.
(4) What type of experience do you have in being a moderator on servers?
(5) Why are you wanting to be staff on the server?
(6) If you were given any staff rank, what rank would you want to be?
(7) Anything else you would like to add?
Thank you for applying to be staff on PrisonTech!
-PrisonTech Team
-PrisonTech Team